A spokeswoman for the Labor Department said a decision on whether the program will be suspended for nine months will be made in'a couple of months. ' 劳工部发言人说,将在几个月内决定是否要将这个计划暂停9个月。
The decision to simply write a program to create makefiles is one solution. 简单编写程序来创建makefile就是一种解决方案。
WebSphere implementation provides configuration parameters that you can use to externalize the endpoint and port ( protocol) decision outside the client program. WebSphere实现提供了配置参数,可以用于将端点和端口(协议)决策外部化到客户机程序外。
The conception of decision flow is put forward by which decision resources are well arranged for decision program of a decision project. 提出了用决策流方法规划决策资源来实施一个决策项目决策过程。
The preference of the decision program can not be exactly determined by the projection of the decision program on the ideal alternative and the distance of the decision program to ideal alternative. 由决策方案在理想方案上的投影及其到理想方案的距离还不能完全确定决策方案的优劣,应该综合考虑决策方案与理想方案的相似系数及其到理想方案的距离。
If you feel adversely affected by a decision of the National Organic Program's Program Manager you may appeal such decision to the AMS Administrator. 如认为NOP的程序管理员所作的裁决对你产生了不良影响,你可以向AMS管理员申诉。
Implement company decision, program statistics technology control and product development plan, as well as continous improvement to department operation. 贯彻公司决策,策划工程技术管制和产品开发规划。持续改善部门运作。
Establishment of Project Decision Program Based on Cognitive Bounded Rationality 基于认知有限理性的项目决策方案的制定
On the organizing and decision problems in program bidding planning of construction enterprises 浅谈施工企业经营投标中的组织和决策问题
On the Legal Force of Audit Decision Instrument for National Construction Program 国家建设项目审计决定书法律效力论析
Patients in the intensive treatment group had outpatient visits once monthly to adjust their methotrexate dosage based on predefined response criteria, using a computerized decision program. 强化治疗组患者每月门诊就诊一次,根据预先设定的反应标准使用计算机确定程序调整甲氨喋呤剂量。
Continuum theory of decision program 决策程序的连续带理论
Generate testing criteria using decision table method for program specification. 对程序规则说明生成决策表方法的测试标准;
Application of dynamic multiple index decision on the developing program of oil and gas field 动态多指标决策法在油气田开发方案中的应用
The importance and complexity of prioritizing construction projects ( PCP) in urban road network planning lead to the necessity to develop an aided decision making program ( ADMP). 针对城市路网规划建设项目排序工作的重要性和复杂性,有必要开发相应的辅助决策程序。
Graphics Programming of Robot Soccer Decision Making Program 机器人足球比赛决策程序的图形化编程
The paper discusses the application software for the underground piping laying technology and decision selection program in various site conditions. 本文论述了应用于各种不同的现场条件地下管道埋设技术及其选择决策程序软件。
The productivity prediction is an important basis of decision making program in the feasibility demonstration of development and its optimizing design of horizontal well. 在水平井开发可行性论证及水平井优化设计中,水平井产能预测是决策方案的重要依据。
This paper describes the general robot soccer decision making program structure, and the expression of production reasoning model and robot soccer decision. 论文首先描述了机器人足球比赛决策程序的一般结构,以及产生式推理模型和决策的表达方式,并在此基础上得出通用机器人足球比赛决策程序流程图。
Secondly, the applied methods of Environmental Management Accounting include the accounting and management of environmental cost, forecast method, decision method, program method, control method and assessment of performance; 从环境成本的计算与管理方法、预测方法、决策方法、计划方法、控制方法、业绩评价方法等方面探讨环境管理会计的主要应用方法;
This thesis briefly introduced the method of PDPC ( Process Decision Program Chart) and applied it to analysis the loss problem in transporting newspapers and periodicals. It sug-gested main approach to solve this problem. 本文就PDPC法作了简要说明,并运用它对报刊在运输途中的丢失问题进行了分析,提出了解决该问题的主要途径。
On the Decision of Dynamical Program Making of Net Work about Plan Time and Cost 网络计划工期-费用的动态规划决策
Moreover, the paper compiles a decision tree-making program by CAMM algorithm in MATLAB in order to compare with the clustering. 另外,为便于比较,在MATLAB环境下采用CAMM算法编写了一个决策树构造程序。
Based on the principle of "Make expecting utility maximal", the optimum decision making program of pipeline integrity maintenance is obtained. 采用使期望效用最大的原则,以获得管道最优完整性维护决策方案。
Making decision with science contains not only rational meaning such as scientific decision program and method, but also irrational content. 科学决策并不只意味着科学的决策程序、科学的决策方法等理性的东西,它还包含非理性的内容。把科学和理性划等号是错误的。
We mainly propose administrative recourse program settings, including the implementation 、 the decision and relief program of the Administrative recourse, at the same time to do a step-by-step analysis for relief program of administrative recourse. 主要提出行政追偿的程序设置,包括行政追偿的决定、执行与救济程序。同时对行政追偿未来的救济程序做了逐步的分析。
Every decision cycle should include complete four stages, namely, information collection, distribution decision, program evaluation, plan implementation. ( 2) Research on the emergency supplies demand forecast model. 在每一个决策周期内,应该包含完整的信息收集、分配决策、方案评价、方案实施四个阶段。(2)应急物资需求预测模型研究。
The system overall design Includes: design and describe the system function, design of database, process design of key algorithm, system security design, system reliability design, the structure design system, and decision support center program design. 系统的总体设计包括:系统功能设计与描述,主要数据库设计,关键算法流程设计,系统安全设计,系统可靠性设计,系统运行结构设计,会商决策支持中心方案设计。
Thesis 'pointing out the establishment of the diverse cost calculation model can offer the required management information which satisfy validly enterprises' cost budget, decision, control, program, analysis. 指出通过建立多元成本计算模式,能够提供更加有效的满足企业成本预测、决策、控制、规划、分析等方面所需要的管理信息。